Overcome Tooth Pain Through a Thorough Dental Examination

Tooth pain is a common problem among people and is one of the biggest reasons people seek a dental appointment, outside of preventative care. When a person is experiencing tooth pain, they often find it difficult to get full pain relief even when they take pain relievers. Unfortunately, the pain being felt in a tooth can often be unrelenting and can grow in intensity. It is crucial a person seeks the help of a dentist plantation to ensure they can find the reason for their pain and find true relief that will be lasting.

Pain in the teeth can have a few different causes, some more serious than others. One of the most common causes of tooth pain is decay in the tooth. When decay begins to develop in the tooth, it leads to an erosion in the enamel. Once the enamel has been breached, this can lead to severe pain because the nerve becomes affected. Through treatment provided by the plantation dental expert, the decay can be removed and the tooth can be filled so the pain is no longer a problem.

A person may also experience pain in their tooth when they have an infection. Infections of the teeth are called abscesses and can be difficult to treat. Abscesses cause tooth pain, swelling around the base of the gum, pus drainage and bleeding. These infections must be treated with strong antibiotics to ensure the infection is brought under control. Prompt treatment can help to prevent tooth necrosis.


In some cases, a person can also experience tooth pain because of unknown injuries. Even a small crack can begin to cause pain in a person’s tooth simply because the nerve has been exposed through the opening. Injuries are repaired in different ways, depending on the type of damage that is caused. The tooth may be filled or covered with a crown to make it stronger and less likely to experience further damage.

If a person experiences tooth pain that lasts longer than a couple of days or grows in intensity, they need to see a dentist plantation right away. The sooner a dentist treats a patient, the less likely they will experience permanent damage to their tooth and end up needing an extraction.

Those who are in need of dental care can visit plantation dental expert for further information. They are dental professionals who offer a wide array of dental treatments to help their patients keep a healthy smile for life.